Our History

ACFCU was founded in 1964 with an original membership for employees of US Steel Corporation working at the Atlantic City Ore Mine in Fremont County. There were roughly 400 members at this time. The mine shut down in 1983 causing hard times on Fremont County and the Credit Union.

In 1999, ACFCU received a community charter to expand its membership to any person living in Fremont County and in 2021 the charter was expanded to cover the state of Wyoming. Today, ACFCU has grown to serve over 10,000 members but our motto remains the same. People Helping People.


ACFCU cares about Wyoming. We donate our resources to various non-profits that we feel benefit our members the most. The employees of ACFCU proudly volunteer their time with the BackPack programs to help provide food for families in Wyoming. Additionally, ACFCU has donated money to various non-profits in Wyoming. Some of these include sports teams, senior centers, youth centers, rodeo clubs, veterans, food assistance programs, fire departments, and facilities that benefit the community.

ACFCU Team Wellness

ACFCU Team Wellness' Mission is to promote wellness to our members, community and staff through awareness projects and positive influence.. 

Click Here for More Information

ACFCU Scholarships

We would like to offer a hearty congratulations to the recipients of the ACFCU scholarship for 2023. Congratulations to Chloe, Maggie, Patrick, Hayley, and William E. Each received a $1,000 scholarship furnished by ACFCU.